YOUnique, September 2019

I participated in the training YOUnique that happened 5.-14.9.2019, even though I am not in student age anymore because I fell in love with education and I invested my life into it. When I got a chance to have a look at how youth education looks like these days and how uniqueness can be encouraged, I couldn´t miss this chance. Yes, even though I am 55 years old, I participated in a 10-day training course through Erasmus+.

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Home is…, July 2019

This training taught me to embrace discomfort as a core ingredient of growth. Before coming to the training, I’ve heard some experiences of people who have been there earlier and I clearly remember my reaction to this type of sentence – I was highly skeptical.

How is it possible that a youth exchange has such interesting and diverse impacts on people?

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Entrepreneur lab, Bulgaria, May 2019

,,Entrepreneur LAB“ project organised by trainers from ReCreativity a Smokinya Foundation (for whom it was the really first project under their guidance) was held in the abandoned Bulgarian village of Ravnogor. Nevertheless, for the success of the project, it was the right choice, as apart from wild cattle and poultry participants were not disturbed by anything else and could fully focus on topics such as entrepreneurship, sustainability and recycling.

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Get in Touch, Slovakia, january 2019

Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je DSC_0017a-1024x683.jpg.

January project “Get in Touch” created space to discover authentic movement, contact with others and connection to our body. Hidden in between Slovak meadows and forests, in a centre beautifully called Lovinka, we allowed ourselves to slow down, speak less and simply be.

The project was led by trainers from Spanish organisation Ara en Moviment, in cooperation with Slovak organisation Priestor súčasného tanca.

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