Pavla, Sebby and the second Pavla spent ten days in Bulgaria at the project “Cultural Crossroads” (16.-26.2016) What are their impressions?
“Everyone of you will bring home their own experience. Pay attention if you are still the creators of your own training.” That was the words of our main trainer Panagiotis in the beginning of our 10 days training. Cultural Crossroads basic synergy training offered us summary of remarkable methods, not every time with obvious meaning, but with very interesting impact.
If we wanted to write something about this training in general, what is applying to every participant, we would write a list about games, processes, daily program and our outdoor part, including intercultural experience as an inseparable part of participants communication. Nevertheless how previous sentences imply, for each of us in the process of training there was a new meaning of experience, something really important for everyone.
In the training process was not too much space for sharing all our internal experience with each other, but that was not the goal of this training. Every participant was deeply involved into his own training, into his own internal process. It is interesting that we were also able to communicate with others, enjoy and share together the new experiences and adventures, to feel support and still enjoy the fun. We are bringing our deep and emotional experience with us and we want to try to do somethings in our lives differently than before.
Pavla Zelenková, Sebby Plotzer, Pavla Gillová
Video of the outdoor part:
Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.