Training for youth trainers who want to grow and improve themselves in their work with young people. We want to support you in increasing your trainer competences, getting comfortable in the trainer role, learning new tools and techniques, creating space for collecting inspiration from others and exchanging practices. At the same time we want to address the topic of well-being and self-care in order to prevent burnout among youth workers.
We know that doing high quality youth work is a very demanding task. Youth trainers and youth workers need to know what are the current topics and challenges of the young people they work with, how to design activities that are going to be interesting and engaging, which methods and techniques to use, how to facilitate the group processes, how to navigate groups through potential conflicts and tensions… and the list goes on. Moreover, All of this might feel overwhelming and you might need some support on a personal level.
If you are a starting youth worker or a youth trainer and you are looking for ways to grow, both personally and professionally, this training is for you!
We are going to focus on the following areas:
- Design of educational activities
- learn step-by-step model of activity design that will help you to understand the logic behind it and equip you with skills to create your own activities
- get an insight into different learning styles and how to create activities that address and engage different learners
- put everything in practice
- Working with groups
- explore facilitation skills, improve your ability to engage your audience and create clarity in your content
- learn basics of nonviolent communication in order to be able to handle differences, misunderstanding or conflicts
- learn how to create a safe environment in your programmes
- gain confidence through practice
- Personal well-being
- become more self-aware of your own resources and needs in order to keep your energy
- find ways how to take care of yourself in a challenging environment such as youth work
- create your own mechanisms to grow resilience and prevent burnout when working with people
- people currently active in youth sector – i.e. as a youth worker, trainer, facilitator, volunteer, educator,…meaning you have basic experience in working with groups and with young people
- people who are motivated to learn, grow and dedicate their time and full attention to the training process and all the parts of the project, including the follow up activities
- 18 + years old
- able to communicate in English fluently
- living or coming from the Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Romania, Croatia Greece or Poland
There will be 28 people in total, including the trainers.
TRAINING DATES: 27.05. – 05.06.2024
APPLICATION PROCESS: Participants are selected continuously, based on the quality and relevance of their application. You will receive information whether you are selected within three weeks from applying.
VENUE: Kubasova Chalupa, Sudislav nad Orlicí, Czech Republic
TRAINERS: Katka Martínková, Michaela Vyležíková
The project is funded through the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, which means that food, accommodation, programme, materials and travel costs according to the given distance bands (check infoletter) are fully covered.