Category: news

With this training course, we want to create a brave and inclusive space where we can explore together how to shift perspectives – how to stay connected with others, bring respect into everything we do, and empower young people to embrace diversity with confidence and curiosity.
RAISE YOUR IMPACT, 04. – 13.09.2024, CZ

“Raise Your Impact” is an experiential learning programme that focuses on personal development and self-awareness. We aim to empower youth workers in their role, provide space for them to explore their own attitudes in life and look for ways to bring the most positive impact in the society, through inclusion, cooperation and accountability.
SEEDS FOR GROWTH, 27.05. – 05.06.2024, CZ

Training for youth trainers who want to grow and improve themselves in their work with young people. We want to support you in increasing your trainer competences, getting comfortable in the trainer role, learning new tools and techniques, creating space for collecting inspiration from others and exchanging practices. At the same time we want to address the topic of well-being and self-care in order to prevent burnout among youth workers.
BEYOND LABELS, 28.11. – 7.12.2023, ČR

Refresh your perspective on intercultural learning which goes beyond typical intercultural evenings. Explore your own identity and identity of others in a safe space. Critically analyse national approaches and mental models of interculturality in youth work. Acquire competences and tools that support connectivity, cooperation and respect for diversity. Learn how to design learning activities for youth with sensitivity and in regard to crises of separation.