“Let’s Get Creative!” was a project organised by Brno Connected that happened 9.-18.4.2016 close to Adamov, at ecocentre Švýcárna. Participants from the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Italy and Croatia spent ten days with playing, getting to know each other, learning and exploring their own creativity and possibilities.
We bring you experience of two Czech participants, Jana and Petra, who describe what the project brough to them. We invite you to read and get inspired!
“I’ve always been quite interested in reading books about self-development and sharing about my experience with my friends or colleagues. I‘ve always been the person who likes reflecting on things, searching for deeper meaning and writing notes, a diary as well. I really wanted to participate in one of self-development trainings I heard about in the past from some of my friends who were all excited about the experience. After almost 2 years of hesitating (and excuses) I finally decided to go for „Let’s get creative!“ as I felt I was somehow stucked in a routine since I had finished university, settled in Brno and
started to work. So when I decided to apply for the project, I surely expected some escaping the routine and getting out of my comfort zone. But what I did not expect was how big an impact it would have on me and what I could experience and go through in only 10 days. I even cannot count how many times I stepped out of my comfort zone. Moreover, if somebody had told me before what I would be able to do and on the top of that that I would be totally fine with doing these things or even ENJOY doing them, I would have said they were crazy and left them alone. 10 days full of activities, working in groups, in couples, individually, as a one big team. Many insights
and feedback. Fun. Laugh. Sharing. Emotions. Challenges. Gratefullness. Other participants from Croatia, Latvia, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria with their stories to be shared. I came back to my everyday reality – but there is a big difference, I do not feel beeing the same, I strongly feel that we are who make all the choices, we are players and it’s a great liberating feeling. The importance of actions and not just theory. Don’t hesitate and go for it: )”
Jana Valigurová
“Well, the first thing I want to tell you is that two days after this project I realized what was it about. And it was BIG!
„Let’s Get Creative“ in Czech Republic for Czech girl… will it be easier? Or not? Because of feeling
the home ground? Let’s go for it and wait what happen.. And many things really happened. It happened that me and others 22 guys from 7 countries had a very strong time together. And I would love to share a piece of my experience with you.
Basic synergy training was for me very practical and concrete impulse how to try to start thinking about things in different way. Actually the way is NOT to think – just do it. On this course we did many activities, some of them apparently usual, some others for a very fist time. What I appreciate the most is how we were discussing after each activity about every short process, about every part and every possible connection with our lifes. We heard answers for our questions and we also got questions and oportunity to finding answers in ourselves.
For me, this project had very big overlap. Before few months I was on „my“ first course, where the topic was concrete and it offered me great skills for my future job or working at all. „Let’s get creative“ went ahead, somewhere before the moment when I am allowing myself to perceive information and new technique. It added me something that I can call „the filter of MY world“. Now, it appears to me that I always have a choice how to receive words, thoughts and all happening around. I realized how cleanly can I hear ordinary words and also how it’s sometimes very hard to distinguish what is pure thing and what just your head is forcing you to hear.
Let’s go back to the question if it was finally easier for me or not. The magic is that the answer was given to me during one very strong part of course and I really wish you to find the answer for your question in the same way. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then everything is as it should be and you are probably prepared to apply on basic synergy training right now. The world will be different for you. I swear. I have sworn.”
Petra Jelénková
Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.