In March 2019, we organised an eight-day training for trainers called Youth Catalyst, where starting trainers and facilitators got to learn new methods and tools, practice and get feedback on their trainership skills. It was a very practical training with useful outcomes. We are sharing participants impressions with you:
“ My expectations were that I will improve my training skills, so I believe that this has happened. In addition I learned a lot of interesting things about my style and how people see me on the stage, which is something that I really wanted to know.“
„It was great, guys. I can only imagine how much time it took to think everything through, we did 0 things, that were unnecessary and it is amazing. It was a long time since my last mobility, that would be so good.“
“ I learnt a lot of things. For me, on these types of projects, the people are the most inspirative. Everybody is like a gift for me. : ) I am very thankful for the worskhop at high school, it was my first expirence working with kids in this area and I could see how is the official school system in Czech rep. in different perspective as I used to be.“
„For my own development, the most useful was giving and receiving feedback, getting to know my learning style (pragmatist, yay), and the dancing activity (confidence management). I learnt a lot about myself, which can be crucial when delivering trainings to others. I used to get offended by feedback, and I used to give feedback in an inappropriate way, now I can do it right! For the development of my training style, I think the Kolb cycle was the most influential. It is a great way to always check if I structure my WSs or trainings well.“
During the training programme, participants created a Toolbox for Trainers, which is a resource of non-formal education activities available for inspiration of others. Have a look here and get inspired!
Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.