YOUnique, 5.-14.9.2019, Austria

How can I see my own uniqueness? How can I support others in seeing and appreciating their unique selves? How can I co-create more open, authentic and connected communities?

8-day international training offers space to explore these questions together with people from the Czech Republic, Austria, Lithuania, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy.

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Work It Out, 22.-31.8. 2019, Czech Republic

You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it.”

Oprah Winfrey

Join our summer project and discover how to find a job that not only brings money but also happiness! Job market might seem scary and we want to support you in getting to know it, explore it and find ways how to create your dream job. All of this in a nonformal, experiential way together with people from different corners of Europe.

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Be Your Own Hero, 30.11-9.12.2018, Italy

Do you believe that change is possible? Do you want to contribute to creating a world that stands on cooperation and inclusion? Do you have the courage to stand up for your ideas? DO YOU WANT TO BE YOUR OWN HERO?

If your answer is yes, we invite you to a training course where there will meet 30 youthworkers, leaders, trainers,… simply people who work with people and they will develop their ability to be “heros” for themselves and in their organisations.

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“Dare to Be You!”, 3.-14.10.2018, Adamov (CZ)

Dare to Be You_promo picDo you dare to be vulnerable? Do you dare to re-discover who you really are? Do you dare to enjoy your uniqueness together with  others? Do you dare to be you?

Come and explore yourself, your own identity, your patterns of behaviour and get rid of those that are not serving, creating space for your own freedom, to be who you want to be. 

Does it resonate with you? This ten-day international project might be open right for you.
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Care to Communicate, Adamov, 11. – 21.5.2018

CARE TO COMMUNICATE (4)-page-001Slow down. Listen to yourself. Are you caring about the way you communicate with others? Are you connecting with people around you in a meaningful way? Are you allowing yourself to be vulnerable? Are you called to listen more to your body and how you express through it? Are you interested in exploring what getting closer to nature can lead to? Are you aware of your language patterns?Are you willing to dig deep into your way of communicating with others and explore how to make it more effective? Are you in touch with what is meaningful for you?

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