My ESC experience

Italy. The country full of beautiful architecture, powerful art history, full of smell of pasta on every corner and loud laughter. A country full of life with a heart in the palm of hand. My Italian experience completely changed me. It helped me turn into a better person. It changed my view of people, of the world but especially of myself. I have learned seize my own identity. Every day it taught me to be more fearless, a more kind and selfless person. I spent half of a year in Bologna, in Italy. Here I worked with mentally disabled people in one of the center of Saint Clare.

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Behind the sun, calming, restoring faith in ourselves and in powers that transcend us. Experience beauty and love firsthand. Knowing that everything is happening at the right time, in the right place, with the right people.

When I left for Stilness in Motion on Thursday, March 5, 2020, I knew it would be great. But when we returned from it on Monday, March 16, 2020, I knew it changed my life.

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